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As a practising Muslim, is it enough for me to follow the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and not need to be overly concerned about maintaining an emotional connection with him?


In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate. O Allah, I ask you to send prayers and salutations upon our Messenger Muhammad, his noble household, and companions.

The heart of the human being carries within its vessel mysterious powers. The power to love and hate, although we cannot measure it outwardly, affects speech, actions, thoughts and attitudes.

Following the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is indeed essential for a practising Muslim. This encompasses adhering to his teachings, emulating his character, and implementing his Sunnah in our daily lives. However, this outward adherence is intrinsically connected to an inner, emotional, and spiritual bond with the Prophet ﷺ.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, “None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his child, and all of mankind” (Sahih Bukhari). This hadith highlights the necessity of nurturing a profound love for the Prophet ﷺ, as it completes our faith and enhances our practice.

An emotional connection with the Prophet ﷺ serves as the heart of our adherence to his Sunnah. It transforms our actions from mere rituals into acts of love and devotion. When we follow his example out of love, our obedience is not burdensome but becomes a source of joy and spiritual fulfillment. This love also fuels our perseverance in following his path, especially during challenging times.

Moreover, this connection deepens our understanding and appreciation of his sacrifices, mercy, and the comprehensive guidance he brought to humanity. It draws us closer to Allah, for loving the Prophet ﷺ is inherently loving Allah, as the Quran states: “Say, [O Muhammad], ‘If you should love Allah, then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.'” (Quran 3:31).

To cultivate this love, engage in regular remembrance (dhikr), sending blessings upon the Prophet (salawāt), studying his life (seerah), and reflecting on his noble character. Surround yourself with those who remind you of him and inspire you to draw closer to his way.

In essence, outward adherence and inward love for the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ are intertwined. They complement and reinforce each other, leading to a holistic and profound practice of Islam.

May Allah grant us the ability to follow the Prophet (peace be upon him) with love and devotion, and may He fill our hearts with deep affection for our beloved Messenger.

Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

Author of Prophetic Jewels

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