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Our Teachers

Shaykh Ahmed Abdo and Ustadha Genan Dadoun are esteemed Islamic educators at Shifa. Shaykh Ahmed, renowned for his expertise in Islamic Jurisprudence, offers valuable insights on Islamic Law and Spirituality through face to face and online courses, allowing learners globally to benefit.

Ustadha Genan, combining her Communications background and Islamic Sciences knowledge, addresses challenges faced by Muslim women in today’s diverse society and nurtures the Islamic identity of young girls and women.

With Shifa, you can benefit from their vast knowledge, enhancing your understanding and practice of Islam.

Shaykh Ahmed Abdo

Ahmed Abdo is a Sydney born Imam, a scholar and respected teacher of Islam. After nearly ten years studying Islam in the blessed city of Tarim in Yemen he returned to give back to the people of Australia, his country. He studied in Dar al-Mustafa, an Islamic Seminary in Tarim, Hadramawt, under the tutelage of its Founder and Dean, Habib Umar bin Hafiz, a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad and worldwide authority on Islamic Jurisprudence, Theology, and Spirituality.

During his course of studies in Dar al-Mustafa, Ahmed studied the core Islamic sciences including Arabic grammar, jurisprudence, theology, prophetic traditions and spiritual wayfaring, with a particular interest in the area of Islamic Jurisprudence.

He currently serves as an Honorary Chaplain, teaches Islamic Law and Spirituality courses through Shifa Institute which he founded to better inform people regarding the principles and teachings of Islam and how they apply in modern day society, particularly Australia. He has taught the “Foundations of Islamic Law”, and “Marvels of the Heart”, on spiritual excellence. His students are located in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane as well as Sydney. They access his courses through an online learning platform currently being refined through Shifa Institute.

He has taught Arabic, Quran, and Islamic Studies at various schools in Sydney including Rissalah College and Australian International Academy.

Ahmed is also an accomplished Interpreter. He enjoys the challenge of listening to a message, absorbing it, then immediately communicating in a way that is appropriate and relevant to the target audience. He is actively involved in interfaith work, as well as within the Muslim community. He has conducted lessons at Auburn Gallipoli Mosque Youth Centre and Lakemba Mosque in the past.

He delivers Friday sermons in various Islamic centres and mosques.

Ustadha Genan Dadoun

Genan Dadoun completed her BA Communications degree with UTS in 2004 and then travelled to Tarim, Yemen where she was honoured to study the various Islamic Sciences at Daar Al-Zahraa under the tutelage of many great female scholars.

In her 10 years abroad Genan had the honour of translating for many female scholars as well as teaching at Daar Al-Zahra.

She currently resides in Sydney, Australia with her husband and four daughters.

She co-founded QUL College, focusing on the teaching of traditional Islamic sciences to youth and women in an engaging and relevant manner. Subjects which she teaches include Commentary of the Quran, Jurisprudence, Prophetic Biography, Purification of the Heart, and Hadith.

In her private and public classes, she addresses many of the challenges that face Muslim women living in a pluralistic society.

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