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Support Us

Your contribution can make a lasting impact. Shifa serves as a beacon of Islamic knowledge and understanding. Our dedicated educators provide online courses, support programs, and guidance to nurture the Islamic identity of our community, irrespective of their location.

By donating to Shifa, you’re enabling us to continue offering these valuable resources and enriching our community’s understanding of Islam. Your generosity supports our mission to provide a welcoming environment for all knowledge seekers and to strengthen our community connections. We thank you for your contribution to the journey of understanding and living Islam together.

Your donation will go direct to Shifa Institute Incorporated, a not for profit charity registered in NSW.

Once you press the Donate Now button below, you will be redirected to the PayPal payment page to confirm the amount and payment again.
Your donation will help us deliver programs, both online and face to face, for youth and families.

We hold annual camps for youth and families, and we also look for sponsors to help subsidise the costs.

If you would like to direct your donation to a specific program, please send us a WhatsApp message by tapping the icon in the bottom left corner of this page and we can note your request.

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Assalamu Alaykum!

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