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Youth (males only) Stories Night


February 15, 2025    
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Event Type

This is an event for youth (males only) who have attended any of our past classes, camps, programs and events. New attendees are welcome.

Coming up is our 7th youth gathering themed around the topics:

  • A reading of the spiritual hadith text “al-Munibbihat” compiled by Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani
  • Preparing for Ramadan

An opportunity to catch up, spend time with each other and grow in true Islamic brotherhood.

This program is conducted under the supervision of Shaykh Ahmed Abdo, and registration is open for young people here.

This event will take place at our Revesby location. Details to be provided in the confirmation email and personal invite.

You are welcome to bring a friend. Please indicate the final numbers in the registration page for catering purposes.

Jazakum Allah khayr.


QUL College, 2212


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Assalamu Alaykum!

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